Delivery, Enablement, & Support
Stop me if I go too fast!
Focus: SAS Solutions
sasjs test
sasjs deploy
SASjs server can be manually downloaded from github releases page.
Or, programmatically:
curl -L > unzip ./api-linux
To avoid prompts, provide variables in a .env file as follows:
SAS_PATH=/opt/sas PROTOCOL=https CERT_CHAIN=fullchain.pem PRIVATE_KEY=privkey.pem PORT=443
SASjs uses Mongo DB. Can be set up locally, but we'll use a connection string for a cloud instance. Required configs:
MODE=server DB_CONNECT=mongodb+srv://
Server mode brings additional capabilities:
Demo - create user / group, add a user to group
SASjs Server can also be used as a test runner. To illustrate, using SASjs Core:
sasjs auth -t server
sasjs cbd -t server
sasjs test ms -t server
By default, SASjs Server runs only SAS. A (node) JS runtime can also be selected as a primary or secondary runtime. Config:
NODE_PATH=/usr/bin/node RUN_TIMES=js,sas
Demo - running JS in Studio, running minimal seed app with JS services
or, whatever our projects or sponsors request..
demo prep: 1. clear down the server 2. set up fresh dB 3. launch sonic repo: 4. launch core env: